Sunday, January 22, 2023

Tough Guy International: Lawrence Tierney book featured in The Times of London

Lawrence Tierney: Hollywood’s Real-Life Tough Guy, the new book by Burt Kearns, is getting more international attention as it's featured in The Times’ -- known internationally as The Times of London -- in the much-read column, Times Diary, by Patrick Kidd.   The Times is the UK “paper of record.” Author Kearns is a former employee of Times owner Rupert Murdoch, and though “The Boss” had an affection for his work and book Tabloid Baby, he assures us no strings were pulled. 

The article is protected by a paywall (very reasonable subscription rate), so we post the pertinent information here.

And get your copy of the wildest Hollywood story of all time here (signed) or here.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

“It's amazing that he never killed a man -- as far as we know!” NOIR CITY magazine reviews new Lawrence Tierney book

A 432-page rap sheet! An index of awfulness

that focuses more on perps than performances…. 

If Tierney’s life tells us anything, 

it’s that toxic masculinity is real -- 

and it’s spectacular!”

NOIR CITY, the quarterly journal of the Film Noir Foundation and the Bible for film noir aficionados, is featuring a review of Burt Kearns’ book, Lawrence Tierney: Hollywood's Real-Life Tough Guy, in its latest issue.

The magazine’s contents are not posted online, so we show the review below.

Meanwhile, it’s  easy to get on the Film Noir Foundation mailing list -- do it here -- and by making a small donation, you can subscribe to the essential magazine (available in print version here).

In the words of the founder, Czar of Noir Eddie Muller:

“Who would have thought that movies based on desperation and alienation would bring so many people together around the world?”

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