Monday, January 25, 2016

Gonzo comedy High There named one of Top Ten Documentaries of 2015!

Talk about a twist during Hollywood’s awards season: High There, the very independent nonfiction gonzo comedy film about one man’s marijuana-stoked exploits in Hawai’i, has been named one of the Top Ten Documentaries of 2015!

This mid-January surprise comes from the very influential and respected indie movie site A Bucket of Corn (as in popcorn), which in July praised High There as “a perfect film” (“possibly one of the best documentaries I have seen in a long time... truly original and a perfect example of everything to do in a memorable, wild, over-the-top and perfect piece of filmed cinema”).

And if a Top Ten designation isn’t enough for the BRINKvision hit, High There is ranked on the Top Ten list-- above Amy, the much-hyped, big budget Amy Winehouse documentary that’s been nominated for an Academy Award®!

So congratulations to our pals for making “The Bucket List": directors and stars Wayne Darwen and Henry Goren of Rat Lung Pictures, producer Burt Kearns, of Good Story Productions, Sam Peters at Sam Peters International Productions Unlimited (and his very effective Sam Peters Public Relations) and David Pike at BRINKvision.

(And if you haven’t seen High There, it’s available on limited edition DVD... and on demand at sites like, Amazon, Vimeo, Fandor and Google Play.)

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Hey! It’s Burt Kearns & Joey Ramone, circa 1978

Punk originals the Ramones recorded (in seven days) their first album 40 years ago this month. And the fortieth anniversary tributes begin with this throwback photo of future Tabloid Baby author Burt Kearns and future rock ’n' roll legend Joey Ramone at the recording session for Shrapnel’s single, ‘Hey,’ on which they both appeared vocally. 

And with Legs McNeil, future author of the acclaimed punk history, Please Kill Me among other works, and future host of and producer on Kearns’ TV mini-series, Adults Only: The Secret History of The Other Hollywood (which led to McNeil’s book, The Other Hollywood: The Uncensored Oral History of the Porn Film Industry)